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How do I Know If I Need a Root Canal?

Root canal therapy restores an estimated 17 million teeth each year as an essential treatment for those with diseased pulp tissue in the interior of the tooth. You might be wondering, How do I know if I need a root canal?

Signs You Need a Root Canal

Your teeth are one of the strongest parts of your body, but without the proper care, they can deteriorate and require special procedures. These are some signs you have to see the dentist soon:

  • Minimal or severe toothache.
  • Discolored or visibly decayed tooth.
  • Swelling or irritation of the gums surrounding the tooth.
  • Sensitivity to heat or cold.
  • Pain or difficulty chewing.
A Woman getting a Dental Cleaning and Exam

Another common indicator of a diseased tooth is a small, pimple-like lesion on the gums near the tooth's root that serve as a drain for pus produced by the infection. Called fistulous tracts, these lesions can often be mildly painful and produce an undesirable taste in your mouth.

While these symptoms are common in patients needing a root canal, they may not be experiencing any noticeable symptoms. The only way to ensure your teeth are healthy is to consult a qualified dentist who can assess your teeth and diagnose any potential problems.

A dentist will likely diagnose your problem via a thorough inspection and further confirm the severity of the problem with an x-ray.

Good teeth care and regular dentist visits can easily avoid root canals. The warning signs of an infected nerve can be spotted by a dental examination and treated before they become severe enough to require a root canal treatment.

If you are experiencing pain or discomfort stemming from a tooth, it's essential to visit a qualified dentist as soon as possible. Allowing your teeth to go untreated can cause severe pain and result in the need for more serious treatments. For Gainesville, Florida's premier dentist, contact Jason C. Croft, DMD, today. New patients receive 15% off their first treatment!